Congrats, Mautic is installed!
[x] Mautic 5.0.3 is is available under the desired domain:
[x] Secure connection: SSL set to Autorenew
[x] Server IP:
[x] Techstack: Ubuntu 22.04, Mariadb 5.1, Apache2, Certbot, NPM
[x] Login: yourlogin
[x] Password: yourpassword
[x] Programmatical IAM user created in AWS and configured in Mautic for email sending
[x] SPF / DMark / DKIM added for enhanced inboxing
[x] SES / SNS feedback loops added
[x] Cronjobs set to 1 minute interval allowing your Mautic to update/process as fast as possible
[x] Database for ip based geo-identification added
[x] Configured PHP 8.0 for optimal performance. Local timezone as requested: Melbourne / AU
[ ] Get your 2.5 hours Mautic training guide at and use the coupon: HGZA12 for 50% off. Link:
Manual review date: 2024.02.29.
Warning: Mautic version: Mautic 4.4.2
[ ] update to 4.4.11
Critical: End of life PHP version
[ ] update to php 8.0
Critical: SSL not set to Autorenew
[ ] set autorenew
Warning: Techstack: Ubuntu 20.04, Mysql 5.7
Passed: Techstack: Apache 2, composer
[ ] upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04, Mariadb
Critical: Email feedback loops: missing
[ ] Set feedback loops in SNS
Critical: Geoip not set up for autodownload
[ ] Set up daily autodownload
Warning: Emails are not authenticated
[ ] Set up DKIM
Warning: Dmarc missing
[ ] Set up Dmarc
Passed: SPF is set up
Warning: cron job set up has incorrect commands, wrong timing
[ ] Implement 1 minute cron
Critical: non compatible plugins found
[ ] Remove old plugins
Warning: Email Stats table bloated, 30 GB
[ ] NULL 90+ day onld entries email_tokens
Warning: Audit log bloated
[ ] Remove 90+ day onld entries
Passed: OK page_hits table
Passed: OK leads table