Why are my emails going out so slow in Mautic 4? I’ll answer this question, and show you how to send emails 10x faster with Mautic 4.
Mautic 5 includes a bunch of improvements when it comes to sending speed and reliability. But at the creation of this article is still far from stable release. If you are like me, your Mautic is full with Plugins, which also all have to be updated to Mautic 5. If your current workflows use those plugins, then you’ll have to wait even longer.
If you are unhappy with your current sending speed, you can already fix that in Mautic 4. This topic comes up frequently in the Mautic Forums, and I feel it’s time to create a full guide to address it.
I created a video, that describes what you have to do, and if you are a Pro Member on my website, then you also get some extra handholding and ready to copy files and commands to manage the situation.
The video will explain the followings:
- What to consider before turning up the speed on your email generation and sending.
- How is email queue generation and sending works in Mautic 4 right now?
- How to introduce paralell email generation
- How to introduce multi-thread email sending
- Live speed test before and after
If you are a pro member, you’ll get the followings:
- Custom retrofitted PR for Broadcast Enhancement in Mautic 4
- Copy + Paste commands to apply the PR
- New, updated cron commands to be able to send faster in a reliable way
Already Pro? Click here!
If you have any questions, drop in the comments below!